Many of us have a love-hate relationship with group study or team activities. There is always someone who works more than others, then someone who keeps forgetting what they were assigned to do. It is annoying in the beginning, but those are also the times where you really get to see who possesses leadership qualities, who is better at communication than the rest, who has a better grasp on visuals. Group activities are always versatile however, there's a big difference between group learning in groups and working in groups.
Here is something we are familiar with:

We know the benefits of online learning very well now as the last decade has seen a rise in online education as well as E-Learning. Many universities offer prerecorded lectures with assignments, quizzes online so people all over the work can benefit from it, some e-learning platforms have a yearlong '50-70% off sale'.
However, there's a dark side to this. It sounds easy, but in time, it gets demanding as online learning requires the highest amount of self-direction and self-motivation. You are responsible to keep yourself on the track as there are many with you in the group and the instructor may not be able to keep up with everyone.
Here's the bitter truth:

Along the same line, we forget that the illusion of control and the illusion of choice very much exists and affects us indirectly. We overestimate our ability to control our actions and consequences, and because we have "too much to choose from" we feel demotivated and feel difficulty sticking to our plans.
We, Ash's German School, encourage small group sessions with your friends, family members, and colleagues, but we do not conduct group classes. Our reasons are simple:
In an online learning setup, you are most comfortable with people you already know. Therefore, the interaction becomes fun, free of judgment, and there's a healthy competition to stick to your routine. You share the learning goals; everyone is on the same page.
Language learning is a serious commitment, and offering you the best learning experience is our USP.
We have been offering our teaching and training services for the last 4 years and based on that, we recommend, for a beginner, that it is ideal to commit to learning privately online where you get instant feedback or join a focused offline learning group.
A classroom of strangers turns into a group of friends when you get to meet them regularly and form friendships, build connections easily; online, it becomes a bit difficult. We are here to learn a language first! Besides, there are plenty of websites dedicated to making friends and building a professional network.
Always give preference to interactive or live courses over a prerecorded course. You want to learn how to speak, write, listen and write the language, not just to be a novice translator!