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Aishwarya Degaonkar
2 min read
Comparison between IELTS/TOEFL & CEFR
There always seems to be some confusion and an unfortunate comparison between IELTS and/or TOEFL and CEFR Levels such as A1, A2, B1, etc...
Aishwarya Degaonkar
2 min read
Is it possible to learn a language on your own or only with a private tutor?
Yes! Millions of Europeans have been learning a new language for decades now and thanks to the internet, many of them have written about...

Aishwarya Degaonkar
3 min read
Realistic tips for learning a language
Learning anything new is always a challenge, it seems like you only keep on encountering new concepts and it never ends. Few months down...
Aishwarya Degaonkar
3 min read
How to go about learning German?
Language is a lifelong skill therefore, it should be treated as one. At the same time, one must remember that a whole new culture is...

Aishwarya Degaonkar
3 min read
Books for the Learners of German Language (DaF)
When I was at Goethe back in 2011, we would use Studio D by Cornelsen, but when I went back in 2015, they were using Netzwerk by Ernst...

Aishwarya Degaonkar
2 min read
My journey from being a student to a tutor!
Once you have mastered time, you will understand how true it is that most people overestimate what they can accomplish in a year and...
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