German for Work
Business Communication
in German

Germany has always been welcoming of immigrants and skilled workers from all over the world, and now that our offices have moved to our home, it's the best time to make the best of it by learning German for work.
We are proud to announce - the first of its kind course in India - Business Communication in German.
These courses are meant for you to communicate with your German clients, colleagues & don't know how & where to begin.
We will be using Schubert-Verlag's Geschäftliche Begegnungen A2+ & B1+ as our main coursebook for our Business Communication Courses, along with that we will also be using Bavarian Govt's free resources for Berufsintegrationsvorklassen (the prerequisites for professional integration course) & Berufsintegrationsklassen (the course for professional integration).
The courses for Business Communication needs the learner to have completed CEFR A1.
We offer the following courses for CEFR A2 & above:
A1+A2 Semi Beruf
Coursebooks: Spektrum Deutsch A1+ &
Geschäftliche Begegnungen A2+
Course Duration 80hrs
Course Price: INR 40,000 | 450 EUR | 550 USD
A2+B1 Beruf
Coursebooks: Geschäftliche Begegnungen A2+ & Geschäftliche Begegnungen B1+
Course Duration 80hrs
Course Price: INR 45,000 | 510 EUR | 610 USD
A2 Beruf
Coursebook: Geschäftliche Begegnungen A2+
Course Duration: 50hrs
Course Price: INR 24,000 | 270 EUR | 330 USD
B1 Beruf
Coursebook: Geschäftliche Begegnungen B1+
Course Duration: 50hrs
Course Price: INR 28,000 | 320 EUR | 390 USD
Why Geschäftliche Begegnungen?
From Schubert-Verlag's website:
"Both books of this series are modern and communicative textbooks for adult learners. They are primarily suitable for course participants who need German at work and in business.
It is available in a completely revised and greatly expanded new edition, in which the focus is particularly on authentic occasions for discussions and targeted exercise opportunities.
It takes into account the linguistic and grammatical requirements of adult learners at levels A2 and B1 of the European Framework of Reference for Languages and follows a progression that is tailored to motivated learners who want to quickly achieve success in the German professional language.
The two books of each contain seven chapters with reading and listening texts, dialogue exercises as well as vocabulary training and grammar exercises, each on a topic from everyday working life. Communication in typical business situations is trained orally and in writing. The textbooks offer numerous exercises in partner and group work, many opportunities to speak on everyday topics from professional life, exercises for business-related correspondence, and grammatical structures for the respective language level. Job-related terms are embedded in authentic texts and exercises.
It integrates course and workbook in one volume. This means that teaching, training, and practicing linguistic material are closely intertwined. Different situations from professional life are recognizable and presented in a logical sequence so that the learner can effectively absorb the subject matter and use linguistic means in practice independently. The vocabulary and grammar exercises are subordinate to the respective reading and listening texts and the corresponding dialogues.
It contains the most important grammar overviews for the relevant language level in the appendix."
Need we say more?
Click on the images of the books to find more about the respective books & a sample chapter.